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On our stretch of the Tidal Thames, we navigate according to the 'Tideway Code'  which is a set of rules & regulations published the Port of London Authority (PLA). Steer certification is the process we use to validate a member's understanding and ability to navigate understanding of the tideway code. This process is in place to make sure that you, and other river users, are safer when out on the water. When you are steer-certed, you will be able to steer a boat unsupervised on the tideway.


See below two links to tideway code. One is the version published by the Port of London Authority and the other is a special annotated PTRC version which will draw your attention to the important parts and give helpful hints and tips. 

ONline steer cert theory lecture

Our Chief Water Safety Officer (CWSO), Kate Pontes De Freitas, and our Masters Women's Coach, James Holmes-Siedle, have filmed an online version of the steer cert lecture so that all of our members can have an on-demand introduction to the tideway code. This 1 hour film will provide the perfect foundation of knowledge for those new to the tideway and new to rowing.

We hope that you've grasped and understood everything about the tideway code however if you haven't, or you have any questions about the steer cert process itself, please do get in touch. Otherwise, we will you good luck in your steer cert tests!

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